Being online can work like a double-edged sword for your reputation. On the one hand, you can build credibility for your professional brand and establish important connections. On the other hand, you open yourself up to comments from the entire internet. So how do you control what is said about your business on the internet? Attend this webinar to find out how! It covers how to highlight the reputation of your services, how to ethically bribe your way to a devoted fan base, and what to do when Social Media chatter hits the roof!
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About the Host –
Gaurav struck gold when a noteworthy customer endorsed him on a popular forum. Without knowing what hit him, one fine morning, he woke up to what would be any entrepreneur’s dream come true. An inbox full of money! Having the right information show up about you can make this happen. The flip was also true back in 2012 when a tidal wave of work hit his organization and they were unable to consistently keep up with delivery speeds. Overnight, a decent chunk of business was wiped out. Having witnessed the pros and cons of reputation management Gaurav has since helped numerous businesses understand the importance and take advantage of this opportunity.
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