Franchise Pay-Per-Click, or Franchise PPC for short, is a method of advertising on search engines like Google and Bing using text-based ads that are aimed at driving customers in-store to make a purchase. Franchise PPC can also drive online conversions like phone calls, lead form fills, or appointment bookings.
The two most common approaches to executing Franchise PPC programs can be summed up as using either a Centralized model or a Decentralized model. The Decentralized model allows each individual franchisee to market their businesses on their own, without any oversight, approval or funding from corporate marketing teams. This approach often leads to a lack of consistency in brand messaging, wasted marketing budgets, and other pitfalls that can actually hurt the overall brand
We recommend using the Centralized model for franchise PPC. Centralization establishes consistency in paid search account structure and campaign management, which ultimately leads to better data, more opportunities for quality optimization, and a better return on investment for both the brand and franchise locations.
Two keys to success in Franchise PPC marketing are:
1. Effective, local geo-targeting and local keyword targeting of campaigns
2. Proper funding of local ad budgets to ensure maximum visibility for each franchisee in each local market.
Supporting these efforts with a top-down, centralized management approach can help each of your franchise locations connect with more local consumers online, and ultimately convert them into in-store customers offline.
If you’d like to learn more about Location3’s franchise digital marketing solutions, visit our site and contact us today: