April 22, 2019

Reputation Management 101 – A 3 Step Process To Protect Your Brand & Free Tools To Help

Reputation management is key whether you have you lost control of your brand’s online reputation or you are just safeguarding your future.

Your online reputation is everything today. Although you can’t remove articles from google search results, don’t dispair.

There are some great reputation management tools and a 3 step process that will help you not only reduce the negative feedback, but it can increase the positive feedback too.

First of all, I don’t recommend any online reputation services as they are often preying on people in tough positions.

With a few key tools, and an awareness of the world of brand reputation online, you will be able to create your own process for protecting your brand’s image in search results and on reviews.

This video takes a look at two types of businesses. 1- Local businesses who deal with review sites (like retail stores, service businesses and restaurants)… 2- digital media businesses focused around content creators, bloggers, youtubers, etc.

You will start by learning how to monitor your brand’s reputation online with a few different tools and software. Some are free and some are paid, but all of them will help you save hours of searching.

That said, nothing beats searching for your brand on Google or the other search engines (Yelp, YouTube, TripAdvisor, etc) that your best customers search, so you can see what they see.

You should also claim your online listing for each of these platforms if you have reviews on them so you can respond and take control of the conversation forming online.

Once you realize it is impossible to remove negative information from the internet you start to understand what is possible through effective online reputation management strategy.

This is the prevention process of taking control over what displays on the search engines when your brand name or business name is searched.

This goes into the basics of SEO because you need to optimize your content, profile properties and web 2.0 properties for search to push any negative press or negative comments to page 2 and page 3 and below.

For a better understanding of what SEO is and to learn seo, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8EI6JaFbv4

Then you will learn what to do when people are publishing negative content or negative reviews about your brand.

You don’t want to feed the trolls, but you do need to stand up for yourself…

All in all it is best to implement systems and to dedicate at least a little time each week or month to manage your online reputation.
You will also realize the importance of great customer support in the online world as well as in the offline world.

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